
public class Companion


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public final static SenseCryptUtil.Companion INSTANCE


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public final ByteArray generateSensePrint(String record, Boolean isLivenessEnabled, HashMap<String, String> metaData, HashMap<String, String> clearTextData, String password, SessionHolder sessionHolder)

Generate a SensePrint QR code

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public final ActiveFaceCaptureSession getActiveFaceCaptureSession()

Gets a new active face capture session

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public final String getAppThumbprint()

Get the app thumbprint

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public final String getDeviceId()

Get the device ID

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public final LicenseInfo getLicenseInfo()

Get the license info

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public final PassiveFaceCaptureSession getPassiveFaceCaptureSession()

Gets a new passive face capture session

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public final String getSDKVersion()

Get the version of the SDK

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public final Unit init(Application application, Function1<Result<Boolean>, Unit> callback)

Initialize the SenseCrypt SDK

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public final Unit initSdkIfNeeded(Activity activity, Function0<Unit> postInit)

A utility method that ensures that the SDK is initialized before running a lambda. It shows a loading dialog while the SDK is being initialized. The initialization is in a separate thread.

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private final Boolean initSynchronously(Application application)

Initialize the SenseCrypt SDK synchronously

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private final Boolean isInitialized()

Check if the SenseCrypt SDK is initialized

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public final Boolean isLiveFace(ByteArray imageBytes)

Check if the face is live or not

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public final SensePrintInfo parseSensePrintBytes(ByteArray qrCodeDecodedBytes)

Get the QR code info from the decoded QR code bytes. This doesn't decrypt the SensePrint.

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private final Result<Boolean> performInit(Application application)

Initialize the SenseCrypt SDK

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public final Boolean verifyPassword(ByteArray sensePrintBytes, String password)

Verify the password

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public final DecryptedSensePrintData verifySensePrint(ByteArray sensePrintBytes, String password, SessionHolder sessionHolder)

Decrypt the SensePrint data using the capture session, and the QR code bytes (SensePrint bytes)