
public final class SessionHolder

SessionHolder is a class that holds either an ActiveFaceCaptureSession or a PassiveFaceCaptureSession and provides a common interface for interacting with either session type.


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Constructor that takes a session and assigns it to the appropriate session type

public SessionHolder SessionHolder(ActiveFaceCaptureSession activeFaceCaptureSession, PassiveFaceCaptureSession passiveFaceCaptureSession)


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private ActiveFaceCaptureSession activeFaceCaptureSession
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private PassiveFaceCaptureSession passiveFaceCaptureSession


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public final ByteArray createQrCode(SensePrintQrMobileRequest request)

Create a QR code for the given request

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private final ActiveFaceCaptureSession getActiveFaceCaptureSession()
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private final PassiveFaceCaptureSession getPassiveFaceCaptureSession()
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private final Unit setActiveFaceCaptureSession(ActiveFaceCaptureSession activeFaceCaptureSession)
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private final Unit setPassiveFaceCaptureSession(PassiveFaceCaptureSession passiveFaceCaptureSession)
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public final DecryptedSensePrintData verifySenseprint(SensePrintRawVerificationMobileRequest request)

Verify a senseprint for the given request