
public final class DatePickerWheelPopup extends BottomSheetDialogFragment

DatePickerWheelPopup is a class that extends BottomSheetDialogFragment and allows for date picker events



the context of the application


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public final class Builder

Builder is a class that builds a DatePickerWheelPopup

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public interface DateSelectListener

DateSelectListener is an interface that listens for date picker events


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private final Context context
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listener is a DateSelectListener that listens for date picker events

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private DatePicker picker

picker is a DatePicker that allows for date selection

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selectedDate is a Long that tracks the selected date


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private final Context getContext()
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listener is a DateSelectListener that listens for date picker events

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public final DatePicker getPicker()

picker is a DatePicker that allows for date selection

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private final Long getSelectedDate()

selectedDate is a Long that tracks the selected date

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public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
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listener is a DateSelectListener that listens for date picker events

setListener sets the listener for date picker events

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public final Unit setPicker(DatePicker picker)

picker is a DatePicker that allows for date selection

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private final Unit setSelectedDate(Long selectedDate)

selectedDate is a Long that tracks the selected date