
public final class Builder

Builder is a class that builds a DatePickerWheelPopup


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private Context context

context is a Context that is used to build the DatePickerWheelPopup

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private DatePicker datePicker

datePicker is a DatePicker that is used to build the DatePickerWheelPopup

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listener is a DateSelectListener that listens for date picker events


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public final DatePickerWheelPopup build()

build creates a DatePickerWheelPopup

public final DatePickerWheelPopup build(Integer theme)

build creates a DatePickerWheelPopup with a theme

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@Deprecated(message = "")
public final DatePickerWheelPopup.Builder currentDate(Long currentDate)

currentDate sets the current date for the DatePickerWheelPopup

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public final DatePickerWheelPopup.Builder darkModeEnabled(Boolean darkModeEnabled)

darkModeEnabled sets the dark mode for the DatePickerWheelPopup

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@Deprecated(message = "Unused method")
public final DatePickerWheelPopup.Builder endDate(Long endDate)

endDate sets the end date for the DatePickerWheelPopup

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public final DatePickerWheelPopup.Builder from(Context context)

from sets the context for the DatePickerWheelPopup

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private final Context getContext()

context is a Context that is used to build the DatePickerWheelPopup

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private final DatePicker getDatePicker()

datePicker is a DatePicker that is used to build the DatePickerWheelPopup

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listener is a DateSelectListener that listens for date picker events

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listener sets the listener for date picker events

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offset sets the offset for the DatePickerWheelPopup

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@Deprecated(message = "")
public final DatePickerWheelPopup.Builder pickerMode(Integer appearanceMode)

pickerMode sets the picker mode for the DatePickerWheelPopup

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public final DatePickerWheelPopup.Builder selectedDate(Long currentDate)

selectedDate sets the selected date for the DatePickerWheelPopup

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private final Unit setContext(Context context)

context is a Context that is used to build the DatePickerWheelPopup

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private final Unit setDatePicker(DatePicker datePicker)

datePicker is a DatePicker that is used to build the DatePickerWheelPopup

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listener is a DateSelectListener that listens for date picker events

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@Deprecated(message = "Unused method")
public final DatePickerWheelPopup.Builder startDate(Long startDate)

startDate sets the start date for the DatePickerWheelPopup

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textSize sets the text size for the DatePickerWheelPopup