
This activity is used to scan the user's face using an Active Face Capture session.



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public class Companion


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private <Error class: unknown class> binding
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private Camera camera

The camera object

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private ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> cameraProviderFuture

The camera provider future

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The capture analyzer, which processes frames from the camera

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public final static String EXTRA_PASSWORD

Intent extra for password

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public final static String EXTRA_QR_CODE_BYTES

Intent extra for QR code data

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public final static String EXTRA_RETURN_IMG_BYTES

Intent extra to tell the activity to just return the image bytes

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private ImageView ivBack

The back button

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The number of completed actions

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private View rootView

The root view of the activity

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private ActiveFaceCaptureSession session

The active face capture session

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The vibrator service


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private final Unit bindPreview(ProcessCameraProvider cameraProvider)

This method is used to bind the camera preview and make the capture analyzer process the frames from the camera. When called, this method will also create a new session and reset the UI. Any exception from the SDK will be caught and shown in the UI.

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private final Unit checkFaceLiveness()

Called for an on device liveness check after the face capture session is complete

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private final <Error class: unknown class> getBinding()
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private final Camera getCamera()

The camera object

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private final ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> getCameraProviderFuture()

The camera provider future

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The capture analyzer, which processes frames from the camera

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private final ImageView getIvBack()

The back button

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private final UByte getNumCompletedActions()

The number of completed actions

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private final View getRootView()

The root view of the activity

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private final ActiveFaceCaptureSession getSession()

The active face capture session

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private final Vibrator getVibrator()

The vibrator service

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protected Unit onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
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private final Unit onFaceCaptureCompleted()

Move to the next activity when the face capture session is complete

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Called when the first frame is captured.

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protected Unit onPause()
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public Unit onProcessingError(SenseCryptSdkException exception)

Called when there is an error while processing a frame

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public Unit onProcessingResultAvailable(ActiveFaceCaptureProcessingResult result)

Called when a processing result is available for a camera frame

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protected Unit onResume()
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private final Unit resetSession()

Reset the session

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private final Unit resetUI()

Reset the UI to initial state

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private final Unit setBinding(<Error class: unknown class> binding)
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private final Unit setCamera(Camera camera)

The camera object

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private final Unit setCameraProviderFuture(ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> cameraProviderFuture)

The camera provider future

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private final Unit setCaptureAnalyzer(ActiveFaceCaptureAnalyzer captureAnalyzer)

The capture analyzer, which processes frames from the camera

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private final Unit setIvBack(ImageView ivBack)

The back button

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private final Unit setNumCompletedActions(UByte numCompletedActions)

The number of completed actions

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private final Unit setRootView(View rootView)

The root view of the activity

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private final Unit setSession(ActiveFaceCaptureSession session)

The active face capture session

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private final Unit setupComponents()

This method is used to set up the components in this activity.

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private final Unit setUpListeners()

This method is used to set up the listeners for the components in this activity.

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private final Unit setVibrator(Vibrator vibrator)

The vibrator service

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private final Unit showErrorDialog(SenseCryptSdkException error)

Show an error dialog to the user. It handles SenseCryptSdkException.LivenessFailed, SenseCryptSdkException.ExtremeHeadPoseDetected, and SenseCryptSdkException.CaptureSessionTimeOut via the UIHelper methods. It also handles unrecoverable errors via the UIHelper.processUnrecoverableError method. For recoverable errors, it shows a dialog using the showRecoverableErrorDialog method.

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private final Unit showErrorInUIThread(SenseCryptSdkException error)

This method is used to show an error dialog in the UI thread. It ensures that the error dialog is shown on the main thread.

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Show a dialog for a recoverable error

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private final Unit startCamera()

This method is used to start the camera preview.

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private final Unit updateAnimations(ActiveFaceCaptureStateName activeFaceCaptureState, ActiveFaceCaptureProcessingResult result)

Update animations based on the session state

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private final Unit updateCircleColor(ActiveFaceCaptureStateName activeFaceCaptureState, ActiveFaceCaptureProcessingResult result)

Update circle color (the circle around the face) based on the Active Face Capture session state

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private final Unit updateInstructions(ActiveFaceCaptureStateName activeFaceCaptureState, ActiveFaceCaptureProcessingResult result)

Update instructions based on the Active Face Capture State

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private final Unit updateProgressTicks(ActiveFaceCaptureProcessingResult result)

Update progress ticks based on the number of completed actions

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private final Unit updateUI(ActiveFaceCaptureProcessingResult result)

Update UI based on a processing result

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private final Unit vibrate()

This method is used to vibrate the phone for haptic feedback when the user completes an action.