
This class is used to analyze the pose of the user's face.


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public ActiveFaceCaptureAnalyzer ActiveFaceCaptureAnalyzer(ActiveFaceCaptureSessionListener listener, Context context, ActiveFaceCaptureSession session, Boolean isFirstFrameNotified)


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private final Context context
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Flag to check if the first frame has been notified

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The listener for the active face capture session

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private ActiveFaceCaptureSession session

The active face capture session


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public Unit analyze(ImageProxy image)

Analyzes the image and processes it using the SenseCrypt SDK

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private final Context getContext()
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The listener for the active face capture session

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private final ActiveFaceCaptureSession getSession()

The active face capture session

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private final Boolean isFirstFrameNotified()

Flag to check if the first frame has been notified

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private final Unit processFrame(ByteArray imgBytes)

Processes the frame using the SenseCrypt SDK

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private final Unit setFirstFrameNotified(Boolean isFirstFrameNotified)

Flag to check if the first frame has been notified

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private final Unit setSession(ActiveFaceCaptureSession session)

The active face capture session