
public final class ShowQRActivity extends AppCompatActivity

Activity to show the QR code to the user


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public class Companion


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The button to save the QR code

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public final static ShowQRActivity.Companion Companion
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public final static String EXTRA_QR_IMAGE_BYTES

Extra key to pass the QR code image bytes to the activity

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The back button

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The image view to show the QR code


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private final AppCompatButton getBtnSaveQr()

The button to save the QR code

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private final AppCompatImageView getIvBack()

The back button

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private final AppCompatImageView getIvQr()

The image view to show the QR code

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Override the back button press and navigate to the main activity

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protected Unit onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
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private final Unit setBtnSaveQr(AppCompatButton btnSaveQr)

The button to save the QR code

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private final Unit setIvBack(AppCompatImageView ivBack)

The back button

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private final Unit setIvQr(AppCompatImageView ivQr)

The image view to show the QR code

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private final Unit setupComponents()

Sets up the components in the activity

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private final Unit setUpListeners()

Sets up the listeners for the UI components

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private final Unit showQRSaved()

Shows a dialog to indicate that the QR code is saved to the gallery