
public final class QRScanActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements QRCodeReaderListener

Activity to scan the QR code and navigate to a face capture activity


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public class Companion


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private final BarcodeReader barCodeReader

The QR code reader

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private Camera camera

The camera

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private ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> cameraProviderFuture

The camera provider future

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public final static QRScanActivity.Companion Companion
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private final static String EXTRA_TYPE

The extra for the type of the QR scan

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The frame view showing the pinch to zoom animation

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Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)

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private ImageView ivBack

The button to go back to the previous screen

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The image to select qr code from gallery

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The camera view

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The scan analyzer which processes the QR code

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The password entered by the user

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private final static String TYPE_CLEAR_DATA

When the EXTRA_TYPE is TYPE_CLEAR_DATA, the request is to get clear text data from QR


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private final Unit bindPreview(ProcessCameraProvider cameraProvider)

This method is used to bind the preview to the camera.

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private final Dialog createPasswordDialog(View.OnClickListener continueListener)

This method is used to create a dialog to enter the password

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private final BarcodeReader getBarCodeReader()

The QR code reader

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private final Camera getCamera()

The camera

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private final ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> getCameraProviderFuture()

The camera provider future

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private final FrameLayout getFlPinchToZoom()

The frame view showing the pinch to zoom animation

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private final ImageView getIvBack()

The button to go back to the previous screen

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private final ImageView getIvGallery()

The image to select qr code from gallery

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private final PreviewView getPvCamera()

The camera view

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private final QrAnalyzer getQrAnalyzer()

The scan analyzer which processes the QR code

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private final String getQrPassword()

The password entered by the user

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private final Unit hidePinchToZoomHint()

This method is used to hide the pinch to zoom hint.

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private final Boolean isClearTextRequest()

This method is used to check if the request is for clear text data.

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Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)

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private final Unit navigateToNextActivity(SensePrintInfo spInfo, ByteArray spBytes, String password)

For navigating to next activity based on qr scan type

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protected Unit onActivityResult(Integer requestCode, Integer resultCode, Intent data)
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protected Unit onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
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protected Unit onPause()
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Called when an error occurs while processing the QR code.

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This method is used to handle the QR code bytes once they are available.

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protected Unit onResume()

Reset state and start camera when the activity is resumed

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private final Unit processQR(SensePrintInfo spInfo, ByteArray spBytes)

This method is used to process the QR code once it is scanned.

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private final Unit setCamera(Camera camera)

The camera

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private final Unit setCameraProviderFuture(ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> cameraProviderFuture)

The camera provider future

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private final Unit setFlPinchToZoom(FrameLayout flPinchToZoom)

The frame view showing the pinch to zoom animation

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private final Unit setIvBack(ImageView ivBack)

The button to go back to the previous screen

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private final Unit setIvGallery(ImageView ivGallery)

The image to select qr code from gallery

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private final Unit setPinchToZoomHintShown(Boolean isPinchToZoomHintShown)

Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)

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private final Unit setPvCamera(PreviewView pvCamera)

The camera view

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private final Unit setQrAnalyzer(QrAnalyzer qrAnalyzer)

The scan analyzer which processes the QR code

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private final Unit setQrPassword(String qrPassword)

The password entered by the user

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private final Unit setupComponents()

This method is used to set up the components in this activity.

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private final Unit setUpListeners()

This method is used to set up the listeners for the components in this activity.

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This method is used to set up the tap to focus and pinch to zoom functionality.

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private final Unit showErrorDialog(SenseCryptSdkException e)

This method is used to show an error dialog.

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private final Unit showInvalidQr()

This method is used to show an error message when the QR code is invalid.

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private final Unit showPasswordDialog(SensePrintInfo spInfo, ByteArray spBytes)

This method is used to show a dialog to enter the password.

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private final Unit showPasswordIncorrectDialog(SensePrintInfo spInfo, ByteArray spBytes)

This method is used to show a dialog to indicate that the password is incorrect.

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private final Unit showPinchToZoomHint()

This method is used to show the pinch to zoom hint.

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private final Unit startCamera()

This method is used to start the camera.