QRScan Activity
Activity to scan the QR code and navigate to a face capture activity
The QR code reader
The camera provider future
The extra for the type of the QR scan
The frame view showing the pinch to zoom animation
Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)
The camera view
The scan analyzer which processes the QR code
The password entered by the user
When the EXTRA_TYPE is TYPE_CLEAR_DATA, the request is to get clear text data from QR
This method is used to bind the preview to the camera.
This method is used to create a dialog to enter the password
The QR code reader
The camera provider future
The frame view showing the pinch to zoom animation
The image to select qr code from gallery
The camera view
The scan analyzer which processes the QR code
The password entered by the user
This method is used to hide the pinch to zoom hint.
This method is used to check if the request is for clear text data.
Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)
For navigating to next activity based on qr scan type
Called when an error occurs while processing the QR code.
This method is used to handle the QR code bytes once they are available.
The camera provider future
The frame view showing the pinch to zoom animation
The image to select qr code from gallery
Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)
The camera view
The scan analyzer which processes the QR code
The password entered by the user
This method is used to set up the components in this activity.
This method is used to set up the listeners for the components in this activity.
This method is used to set up the tap to focus and pinch to zoom functionality.
This method is used to show an error dialog.
This method is used to show an error message when the QR code is invalid.
This method is used to show a dialog to enter the password.
This method is used to show a dialog to indicate that the password is incorrect.
This method is used to show the pinch to zoom hint.
This method is used to start the camera.