
public final class PersonDetailActivity extends AppCompatActivity



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public class Companion


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The see less button

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The see more button

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private final static String EXTRA_FACE_CROP

The extra key for the face crop

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public final static String EXTRA_METADATA

The extra key for the metadata

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private ImageView ivBack

The back button

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The face thumbnail

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The linear layout to show the fields

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The linear layout to show the person detail

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The title of the name field

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The name of the person

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The record id of the person


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Create TextView to show key of metadata

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Create TextView to show value of metadata

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private final Unit displayMap(Map<String, String> myMap)

Dynamically create TextViews to show key and value of metadata

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The see less button

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The see more button

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private final ImageView getIvBack()

The back button

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private final ImageView getIvFaceThumbnail()

The face thumbnail

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private final LinearLayout getLlFields()

The linear layout to show the fields

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The linear layout to show the person detail

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private final TextView getTvNameFieldTitle()

The title of the name field

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private final TextView getTvNameFieldValue()

The name of the person

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private final TextView getTvRecordId()

The record id of the person

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Finish the activity when the back button is pressed

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protected Unit onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
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private final Unit setBtnSeeLess(AppCompatButton btnSeeLess)

The see less button

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private final Unit setBtnSeeMore(AppCompatButton btnSeeMore)

The see more button

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private final Unit setIvBack(ImageView ivBack)

The back button

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private final Unit setIvFaceThumbnail(ImageView ivFaceThumbnail)

The face thumbnail

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private final Unit setLlFields(LinearLayout llFields)

The linear layout to show the fields

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private final Unit setLlPersonDetail(LinearLayout llPersonDetail)

The linear layout to show the person detail

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private final Unit setMetaData()

Bind metadata which is returned by server to the UI

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private final Unit setTvNameFieldTitle(TextView tvNameFieldTitle)

The title of the name field

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private final Unit setTvNameFieldValue(TextView tvNameFieldValue)

The name of the person

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private final Unit setTvRecordId(TextView tvRecordId)

The record id of the person

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private final Unit setupComponents()

This method is used to set up the components in this activity.

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private final Unit setUpListeners()

Sets up the listeners for the UI components

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private final Unit showSeeLessView()

Show the see less view (less fields are visible)

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private final Unit showSeeMoreView()

Show the see more view (more fields are visible)

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private final TreeMap<String, String> sortMap(Map<String, String> map)

Sort the metadata by keys