
This activity is used to scan the user's face using a Passive Face Capture Session.



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public class Companion


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private Camera camera

The camera object

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private ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> cameraProviderFuture

The future for the camera provider

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The capture analyzer. This processes the frames from the camera

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public final static String EXTRA_CHECK_LIVENESS

Intent extra to indicate that liveness check is required

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public final static String EXTRA_PASSWORD

Intent extra for password

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public final static String EXTRA_QR_CODE_BYTES

Intent extra for QR code data

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public final static String EXTRA_RETURN_IMG_BYTES

Intent extra to indicate that just the image bytes should be returned

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The frame layout showing the pinch to zoom animation

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The Oval overlay view to show the face oval where the user is supposed to align their face

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Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)

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private ImageView ivBack

The button to go back to the previous screen

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The preview view for the camera

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private PassiveFaceCaptureSession session

Passive Face Capture Session

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The text view to show instructions to the user


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private final Unit bindPreview(ProcessCameraProvider cameraProvider)

This method is used to bind the camera preview and make the capture analyzer process the frames from the camera. When called, this method will also create a new session and reset the UI. Any exception from the SDK will be caught and shown in the UI.

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private final Unit checkFaceLivenessFace()

Called liveness check after the face capture session is complete

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private final Camera getCamera()

The camera object

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private final ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> getCameraProviderFuture()

The future for the camera provider

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The capture analyzer. This processes the frames from the camera

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private final FrameLayout getFlPinchToZoom()

The frame layout showing the pinch to zoom animation

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The Oval overlay view to show the face oval where the user is supposed to align their face

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private final ImageView getIvBack()

The button to go back to the previous screen

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private final PreviewView getPvCamera()

The preview view for the camera

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private final PassiveFaceCaptureSession getSession()

Passive Face Capture Session

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private final TextView getTvInstructions()

The text view to show instructions to the user

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private final Unit hidePinchToZoomHint()

This method is used to hide the pinch to zoom hint.

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Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)

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protected Unit onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
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private final Unit onFaceCaptureCompleted()

Move to the next activity when the face capture session is complete

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This method is used to notify the listener that the first frame has been captured.

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protected Unit onPause()
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public Unit onProcessingError(SenseCryptSdkException exception)

Called when there is an error while processing a frame

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public Unit onProcessingResultAvailable(PassiveFaceCaptureProcessingResult result)

This method is used to process the pose of the user's face based on the current frame.

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protected Unit onResume()
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private final Unit resetSession()

Reset the session

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private final Unit setCamera(Camera camera)

The camera object

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private final Unit setCameraProviderFuture(ListenableFuture<ProcessCameraProvider> cameraProviderFuture)

The future for the camera provider

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private final Unit setCaptureAnalyzer(PassiveFaceCaptureAnalyzer captureAnalyzer)

The capture analyzer. This processes the frames from the camera

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private final Unit setFlPinchToZoom(FrameLayout flPinchToZoom)

The frame layout showing the pinch to zoom animation

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private final Unit setFroOverlay(FaceOvalOverlayView froOverlay)

The Oval overlay view to show the face oval where the user is supposed to align their face

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private final Unit setIvBack(ImageView ivBack)

The button to go back to the previous screen

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private final Unit setPinchToZoomHintShown(Boolean isPinchToZoomHintShown)

Whether the pinch to zoom hint has been shown (it is only shown once)

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private final Unit setPvCamera(PreviewView pvCamera)

The preview view for the camera

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private final Unit setSession(PassiveFaceCaptureSession session)

Passive Face Capture Session

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private final Unit setTvInstructions(TextView tvInstructions)

The text view to show instructions to the user

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private final Unit setupComponents()

This method is used to set up the components in this activity.

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private final Unit setUpListeners()

This method is used to set up the listeners for the components in this activity.

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Set up the tap to focus and pinch to zoom

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private final Unit showErrorDialog(SenseCryptSdkException error)

Show an error dialog to the user. It handles SenseCryptSdkException.LivenessFailed, SenseCryptSdkException.ExtremeHeadPoseDetected, and SenseCryptSdkException.CaptureSessionTimeOut via the UIHelper methods while leaving other errors to be handled by showGeneralErrorDialog.

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private final Unit showErrorInUIThread(SenseCryptSdkException error)

This method is used to show an error in the UI thread

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private final Unit showGeneralErrorDialog(SenseCryptSdkException error)

Show general error dialog

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private final Unit showPinchToZoomHint()

This method is used to show the pinch to zoom hint.

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private final Unit startCamera()

Start the camera