
public final class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity

Three features to navigate to the different activities

  1. Verify QR - to identify the person against the SensePrint QR and show the encrypted data

  2. Reader - to read face unencrypted data from the QR

  3. Generate QR - to generate a SensePrint QR


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public class Companion


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The button to start the flow for SensePrint generation

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The button to start the flow for SensePrint reading (face unencrypted data)

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The button to navigate to the settings activity

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The button to start the flow for SensePrint verification

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public final static MainActivity.Companion Companion


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private final CardView getBtnGenerate()

The button to start the flow for SensePrint generation

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private final CardView getBtnReader()

The button to start the flow for SensePrint reading (face unencrypted data)

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The button to navigate to the settings activity

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private final CardView getBtnVerify()

The button to start the flow for SensePrint verification

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protected Unit onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
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private final Unit setBtnGenerate(CardView btnGenerate)

The button to start the flow for SensePrint generation

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private final Unit setBtnReader(CardView btnReader)

The button to start the flow for SensePrint reading (face unencrypted data)

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private final Unit setBtnSettings(AppCompatImageButton btnSettings)

The button to navigate to the settings activity

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private final Unit setBtnVerify(CardView btnVerify)

The button to start the flow for SensePrint verification

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private final Unit setupComponents()

Sets up the components in the activity

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private final Unit setUpListeners()

Sets up the listeners for the components in the activity